Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings
Are you dreaming but coming up with excuses because you’re afraid of what might happen? It’s too big, its too hard, it’s impossible.
Are you saying you’ll change, do better, be better, try harder – but you haven’t?
Do you think you are living a life full of faith in God but you’re full of worry and doubts about the future?
Yea, SAME!!
I’ve been there. I’m STILL there. I psych myself out, I come up with excuses, I worry about what could happen (and lets be real honest – nothing EVER happens the way I play it out in my head – soo ALL that stress – for literally nothing. #facepalm).
I have big dreams, big hopes, and big faith in my Savior – but which is bigger…
my dreams or my fears? My actions or my words, my faith or my feelings? This question seriously stops me in my tracks every time – because it calls me out! It does – and it should to you too!
I have to shake myself out of my default ‘worry” mode and remind myself I don’t want to live a life of should’ve, could’ve, or would’ve. I want to be great, and I know God wants that for me too.
So I have this conversation with myself (constantly!!!!) that fear isn’t going to get me where I want to go, words aren’t going to change my situation and God is in control whether I worry or not!
Make no mistake – all of this takes a TON of effort. Chasing your dreams and living your best life is hard, in the best of circumstances! Having to face fears, chase dreams and live by faith after you’ve suffered a huge trauma/loss – whoof its rough – but it’s not impossible! And we now its not impossible.
3 things keep me motivated to keep going, stop worrying and seek joy:
- God didn’t take my family away from me so I would live a life of misery & loneliness – no way. I believe this with every fiber of my being.
- Jesus did not come to earth and sacrifice himself so that I would live a life without joy or happiness.
- I was a professional worrier. Legit. I had a “worst-case scenario” lined up for literally every situation I could imagine and yet … NONE of the things I worried about ever happened. Never. Not once. Conversely, l never worried about my mom dying or my husband doing what he did. Never. Not once. Ergo – I have a broken “worst-case scenario” predictor, so … I’m just gonna stop using it, okay!
If you have survived horrible things, I think this quote applies most especially to you! It’s SO easy to sit in the corner, lick our wounds and let the world swallow us up. And we would be more than justified to do it too!
But I promise – you are here for a reason, those things happened FOR.A.REASON. You owe it to yourself & your pain to use your experience, use your past, use your loss to fuel you into a new chapter and I guarantee you, you will absolutely thrive.