Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, it empties today of its strength! God is in control no matter what tomorrow brings. Trust Him!
One of my best friend’s favorite quotes is “Pray or Worry, but don’t do both”.
And I can’t tell you how many times we have said this to each other and then followed it up with “But it’s so hard!”
Cause … it is!!!
Your girl has always been a big “worrier”!
Wooof – I had every worst-case scenario possible spiraling in my head about EVERYTHING! And I know I’m not alone in this admission. It’s so easy to look at the world and feel – heavy. To feel like everything is out of control and nothing makes sense and how is anything going to work out for good .. its a lot! But you know what I’ve figured out … it’s supposed to feel that way.
I know. Annoying!
But I think life is designed with turmoil and challenges and obstacles to overcome in order for us to have opportunities to trust God over ourselves. To relinquish control and say “Your will be done”.
You can pray or worry, but you can’t do both!
If you pray, but then spend time worrying, you are basically telling God that while you asked him to fix this problem, you don’t actually have confidence that he can or will. Ouch, right?!
I know that ultimately, God is in control over everything – and whether I worry or not, its all still going to unfold the way HE has planned. Me worrying about anything is just wasted, negative energy that robs me of the joys of life!
Jesus instructed us to live a life full of Joy. He died on the cross so that we could live! And he asked us to live with joy! Not with worry, not with stress. Jesus never once told anyone “you better figure this mess out for yourself ’cause we’re not going to help you!” No, in fact Jesus makes it clear that he doesn’t want us to worry:
Matthew 6:27 “Who among you by worrying can add a single moment to your life?”
And then in the same sermon
Matthew 6:34 “Therefore, stop worrying about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble on its own”
My prayer for you today is the next time something comes up that causes stress, worry, anxiety, fear, or whatever – you stop and you consciously and proactively Give It To God. Give it to him and see what happens. Pray this simple pray “Father be with me in this moment. Take away my fear/worry/stress and give me peace instead. Take this burden from me. I am feeling ____ and I know this feeling isn’t from you. I know you are in control and I trust that your will be done. Give me peace, give me joy and give me whatever you have planned for me. Amen”